Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Conference Presentation

                                                           Transition to Practice
                                                  Part A: Conference Presentation

Blog Entry One:
Hello and welcome to this blog presentation. My name is Cara Tate and I am an Occupational therapy student completing the final semester of the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Degree. This blog will provide a professional development opportunity for you the reader, my peers and potential colleagues. It will also present an aspect of my learning and which I am passionate about.
The topic I have chosen to present is:

        ‘What are the benefits of engaging in leisure activities that are meaningful
                                           for the retired generation?
Meaningful occupation is at the crux of occupational therapy practice. This blog intends to explore the perspectives of meaningful leisure activities for several retired persons and my own understanding of the benefits it has on their well-being. 
Objectives within this blog:
·         Blog entry Two: Definitions
·         Blog entry Three: Personal accounts
·         Blog entry Four: Evidence & Research
·         Blog entry Five: Crux of occupational therapy practice
·         Blog entry Six: My professional development & reflection

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