Thursday, 19 July 2012

My Professional Development & Reflection:

Blog Entry Six:
My Professional Development & Reflection:
Throughout this Degree, I have been introduced to ample illustrations of meaningful occupations and how they can assist a person with their well-being. Courses such as ‘Adaptive Living Occupations, Adaptive Living Technology, Humanities, Psychology, Disability, Function and Occupation and Professional Practice 3’ have all supported my learning of how an individual’s well-being is affected by the environment and the chosen occupations. While completing Older Persons component of the course called ‘Professional Practice 3’ earlier this year I learnt how we as humans age and how important it is to age successfully. By this I refer to there being an avoidance of disability and disease, maintaining cognitive function and being actively engaged in life, all contributes to a person’s well-being.
My understanding of the benefits of engaging in meaningful occupations and the positive impact it has on a person’s well-being has been strengthened from working with older clients during Fieldwork Placements 1 (Acute surgical & medical setting) and Placement 4 (Rehabilitation & Rheumatology), also retired members of my family and especially my interviewee’s Enid & John.  Leisure activities that I personally like to engage in include Hebel sculpture, reading, walking my dog, spending time and traveling with the family, spending time with friends, professional development and studying are just a few of the meaningful leisure occupations that I choose to engage in because they support my occupational balance so therefore support my well-being. 
Compiling my knowledge and researching for this blog has allowed me the time to reflect upon the true value of meaningful occupations for our retired generation and it has strengthened my values of our profession. I can see this sector being an area I could pursue a career in.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, I hope you have enjoyed the journey! 

Enid & John (2012). Personal communications, Signed consent to use photograph and interviewing.

Here below are a small sample of the Hebel sculptures I have created.